A canditioner out of  shea butter provides the hair with important care substances, which penetrate deep into the hair and regenerate and strengthen it. The treatment prevents hair breakage and gives the hair suppleness and shine.

There are now many recipes with shea butter for hair care.

I myself prefer ingredients that are actually available in every kitchen and which have a good effect.

For a hair treatment before the hair wash I take:

2 tablespoons of shea butter
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 egg
1 teaspoon of honey

The amount is good for medium to long hair. For short hair, shea butter can also be used pure.

Eggs are nutritious for scalp and hair. The yolk contains above all healthy fatty acids and lecithin, which have a particularly moisturizing effect. There is a lot of protein in the egg white which improves the elasticity of the hair and makes it appear shiny.

For centuries, olive oil has been used as a conditioner for the treatment and regeneration of damaged hair. The contained antioxidants are to protect the hair from premature aging by free radicals. The minerals, vitamins and antioxidants contained in the honey strengthen the hair. At the same time, honey acts against germs and bacteria, e.g. Dandruff and itching. The honey is also attributed to the fact that due to its high sugar content the moisture is tied in the hair structure, which should provide for less hair loss. Honey also has a slightly lightening effect.


And that's how it's done:

Melt the shea butter in a bath of hot water. Then add the olive oil, egg, honey. Mix well with a stirring rod. If the consistency is still too liquid and dripping, the mixture can be placed briefly in the refrigerator, so that the shea butter easily becomes more solid. The hair treatment can then be applicated into the hair without dripping. (Because sheabutter melts at body temperature, I add ½ MSP xanthan and mix it thoroughly with the blender bar, which increases the stability and the hair band does not "liquefy" itself). After application, I wrap a plastic bag around my head to keep the hair moisturized and warm. So the hair can absorb the nutrients in a perfect way.

If I use the conditioner overnight, I additionally put a swimming cap over the plastic bag and lay my head on a extra towel, to assure that nothing flows on bed sheets.

Even after first application you will see the difference after washing hair in the morning!