Daniel Schaaf

  1. New harvest 2018

    The first batch of the new harvest shea butter from Ghana has arrived today. Since the beginning of the rainy season in mid-May, women are collecting the fruits of the shea tree and making their shea butter out of it. While everyone looked forward to a very good harvest last year, the yield per tree is much lower this year. Without really knowing why, the harvest per tree varies in a few years' time .

    Luckily for us, that does not mean there will not be enough shea butter. All shea butter comes from wild savanna collections and there are enough shea trees. But for the women who collect the fruits, that means

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  2. BBC Report about production of Shea Butter in Ghana

    This interesting BBC Clip informs about the prodution of Shea Butter and the situation of women in west Africa:


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  3. Shea Butter conditioner

    A canditioner out of  shea butter provides the hair with important care substances, which penetrate deep into the hair and regenerate and strengthen it. The treatment prevents hair breakage and gives the hair suppleness and shine.

    There are now many recipes with shea butter for hair care.

    I myself prefer ingredients that are actually available in every kitchen and which have a good effect.

    For a hair treatment before the hair wash I take:

    2 tablespoons of shea butter
    2 tablespoons of olive oil
    1 egg
    1 teaspoon of honey

    The amount is good for medium to long hair. For short hair, shea butter can also be used pure.

    Eggs are nutritious for scalp and hair. The yolk contains above all healthy fatty acids and lecithin, which have a particularly moisturizing effect. There is a lot of protein in the egg white which improves the elasticity of the hair and makes it appear shiny.

    For centuries, olive o

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  4. Consistency of Sheabutter

    Consistency of Shea Butter depends strongly on temperature. In sommer on warm days it can become very soft and even liquid. In winter days it will be quite hard, if you have it in your hand bag. You can use  a spoon or similar to get little pieces out of the jar. These will become soft again in your hands. If temperature in your appartment is to low, you can store the shea butter on a rediator. Shea Butter is used to higher temperatures out of its "homeland" Africa and will not be damaged by moderate heat. 

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