Shea Butter for Your Hair

Shea Butter for Your Hair

Shea Butter für die Haare

Shea butter literally lubricates your hair. Dry and brittle hair especially benefit from its valuable ingredients. The hair becomes soft, shiny, and silky. Shea butter is also ideal for curly, dyed, or permed hair. Treatment with shea butter is particularly effective for split ends and breakage (including with long hair.) It protects and revitalizes the hair, making it a great product for damaged hair.

As with the skin, the shea butter’s moisture penetrates deep into the hair and forms a protective layer on it at the same time. This lets your hair withstand wind and weather, sun exposure and salt water.

The scalp also benefits from a massage with shea butter. Its soothing and nourishing active ingredients prevent the scalp from becoming scaly, itchy, or sensitive. Shea butter can be used to treat or condition hair before and after washing. Thick, stressed, and dry hair becomes soft and supple again.

For longer hair, it’s advisable to “thin” the shea butter, for example with oil. Otherwise it may be hard to apply and distribute evenly. Shea butter strengthens thin hair. However, use it sparingly so that the hair doesn’t look stringy or greasy.

shea Butter schütz Ihre Haare vor intensiver Sonneneinstrahlung

If you apply shea butter to your hair before sunbathing or going for a swim in the ocean, it will protect against UV rays and salt water. The hair will remain supple and not become “strawy.” 

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