shea tree

  1. New harvest 2018

    The first batch of the new harvest shea butter from Ghana has arrived today. Since the beginning of the rainy season in mid-May, women are collecting the fruits of the shea tree and making their shea butter out of it. While everyone looked forward to a very good harvest last year, the yield per tree is much lower this year. Without really knowing why, the harvest per tree varies in a few years' time .

    Luckily for us, that does not mean there will not be enough shea butter. All shea butter comes from wild savanna collections and there are enough shea trees. But for the women who collect the fruits, that means

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  2. BBC Report about production of Shea Butter in Ghana

    This interesting BBC Clip informs about the prodution of Shea Butter and the situation of women in west Africa:

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