Delivery and Payment


All shippments will be packed by l-carb shop in Germany on the following day of order (as long as there are no outstanding bank payments or unauthorized paypal transfers) and then be handed over to our consignor Deutsche Post or DHL. Mostof the time, we will even manage to give up orders, that arrive by 12 noon, on the same day. The postal service says that then 95% of the shipments can be delivered in 2-3 days. Due to operational bottlenecks on our part or due to delays or mistakes at our consignor, delivery may be delayed in rare cases. Please contact us in these cases. 

Please note that due to the different bank credit dates, we may notify you of your transfer not before 2-3 days after submission. Transactions that do not contain the order number in the referral text can result in a processing time of up to one week. If you give not any clue to which order the payment belongs, we can not supply at all.

We deliver also into the following countries:

Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Croata, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Austria, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovenia Czech Republic

Unfortunately, in the followig Countries we do not offer our products any more because of the new EU recycling legislation. In this countries there are minimum tarifs for wast collection, which extends our turnover by far and they have no special cases for small and medium companies. Again bureaucracy supports international hughe entreprises and damages the small :
Finnland, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Luxemburg, Poland, Slovakia, Spain

The shipping rates are the following:

Belgien, Dänemark, Estland, Italien, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Österreich, Niederlande, Norwegen, Portugal, Rumänien, Schweden, Slovenien, Tschechien 

Shipping in per DHL with order Tracking:

1  Product              9,50 €

2  Products            7,00 €

3  Products             4,50 €

more than 4 Products; Free shipping

nonEU Countries (Schweiz, Lichtensteein, Norway)  per DHL with order Tracking:

1  Product              22,50 €

2  Products            20.00 €

3  Products           17.50 €

4  Produkt and more     15,00 €

If your shipment does not arrive, please contact

Sorry, but the low cost delivery by postal service is no longer available outsite Germany.


For the payment of our items we offer Paypal and bank transfer.

Within the EU we have no additional fees what so ever. 

For Swizerland and Liechtenstein we have a additional fee of 3€ for the cost, we get charged for NonEU bank transfers. 


Pursuant to the Ordinance on the Avoidance and Utilization of Packaging Waste (Packaging Ordinance), manufacturers and distributors are obliged to take back transport packaging after use. To meet these requirements, we have joined the following disposal company for packaging:

Landbell AG

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